Board Nominations
We have four open positions listed below. Nominations will be accepted until April 17, 2023 by the committee: Joanna Ashlock, Lori Morgan, or Brandy Martinez. Elections will be held at the next meeting on April 24. You must be a club member and present to vote. Keep in mind the delegation of job responsibilities are subject to change based on the skill set and interests of those elected to each position.
All board members participate in the planning and execution of large club events such as Homecoming, Pancake Breakfast, First Pitch Dinner, and Banquet.
presides at all club and executive board meetings
coordinates all the work of the board members and all committees
is authorized to sign on the club's bank accounts
regularly communicates with coaches concerning needs and activities of the program
1st Vice President
assumes duties of the President in his/her absence
is authorized to sign on the club's bank accounts
conducts the annual club membership drive and maintains a record of members
seeks out and coordinates fundraising opportunities
2nd Vice President
coordinates publicity functions on behalf of the club (i.e. Senior Night, Future Hawk Night)
coordinates all spirit wear/merchandise design, production, and sales
creates and maintains accurate club meeting minutes and documentation
manages social media platforms
coordinates and oversees all volunteer duties (i.e. recruiting, scheduling, training)
coordinates with photographer and volunteers to preserve a visual representation of the season (i.e. programs, banners, team/individual photos, slideshows)
Rules for Nominations:
You can nominate yourself.
The nominated person must be a booster club member.
Please talk to the nominated person first to make sure they are willing to serve.
It's OK to nominate someone even if you think they were already nominated!